Counselling & Coaching
Empowerment through counselling.
Sometimes in life we are presented with many challenges that can leave us with self-doubt and lacking in confidence, limit us reaching our true potential. It can make us feel deflated and lose sight of our own unique abilities that once served to create inner strength and resilience. We can then begin to develop habits that do not serve us well. This can lead to depression, anxiety, fatigue and low self esteem.
But, there is hope. We can start to re-discover who we truly are once again, by removing these layers of hurt, old wounds and injury that can become barriers to a contented and more fulfilling state of being.
At Channel Counselling, I believe that a holistic therapeutic approach is necessary that considers the whole person on every level from physical, emotional, mental and how each element of our selves is so interconnected. I understand how our emotions can impact our health and wellbeing and left unchecked can result in reduced energy levels and unhealthy stress patterns leaving us feeling both physically and emotionally out of balance.
If you are also struggling with grief or loss, we offer a compassionate and caring approach that can offer a space to regain a sense of purpose and meaning.